CoMA Ensemble, UK
10 am SLT
Sunday October 25, 2009
Contemporary New Music Ensemble
One of the best things about Second Life is that we are largely a community that enjoys doing things and creating things for ourselves. We aren’t content to passively watch television or listen to what record producers have decided is the flavour of the day in music. Instead we are in SL: creating our own stories in roleplay or on virtual stages, listening to homegrown music, and creating our own brand of art.
Amateur musicians have a lot in common with Second Lifers in general and maybe that is why amateur music is such a “fit” in Second Life. This amateur ensemble has reached a high level of musical achievement and is not content to simply play standard repertoire. Instead they are exploring and giving a voice to contemporary new music. It is interesting to me–living as I do in RL in Canada–that my national radio service CBC drastically cut its new music programming, but in the leading edge virtual world community, new music is an area that many musicians want to explore. New music afterall is where music “lives”. It is the hurly, burly of trying new ideas and seeing what works and what doesn’t. It is where the action is in music in our lifetime. The rest is just a museum exhibition of treasures from the past, beautiful, but dead and stuffed.
So don’t come if you are going to sit and grump about how you’d rather be listening to Mozart, but please join us if you’d like to listen to the musical achievements of some very dedicated musicians who are on the living edge of music.
All – improvisation
Kirkup – WaxWing Day
Preece – No Say No
Walshe – He Was She Was
Kirkup – Reaching Peak Twenty
Caulfield – Baarle-Hertog (an evening in the village)
All – improvisation
Thom Dowd
"Dead and stuffed" is not how I would discribe Josquin or Telemann nor the musicians who play them. What has changed is how we perceive and value musical art. New music has a welcomed place in Sl. All music has it's place in SL. The more the better. Let everyone come and play their hearts and minds out. MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!
Kate Miranda
"alive and stuffed"? … ohhh, that sounds worse and not accurate either. My point was not meant to insult the treasures of the past but merely to say that as lovely as they are, it is here in the present where the "now" and the future of music will be made.
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