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Music Island launches new outreach initiative at Rockcliffe University

Rockcliffe University has graciously invited the Music Island concert series to be part of the distinguished educational and cultural offerings that the online university has been making happen in Second Life (and beyond) for the past three years.

We’ll be bringing selected representative concerts from the Music Island series to a newly created Festivale Park location at Rockcliffe for the enjoyment of Rockcliffe students and faculty while also connecting the Music Island audience to the rich educational opportunities at Rockcliffe.

On Saturday, Jan 29, at 12 noon Thom Dowd will open the series with a concert of Renaissance duets

A very esoteric concert of Renaissance duos for Recorders featuring Thom Dowd and Françoise Prongué playing some very special renaissance recorders made by Thomas Prescott. The music is from the very end of the Italian renaissance and is a great example of the polyphony of the period.

Guiseppi Giamberti (ca.1600 in Rome, † ca. 1662) was an Italian Chapelmaster and Composer. Giamberti was a pupil of Nanino and Agostini and became the master of the chapel of the Orvieto Cathedral in Rome. Most of his compositions were of a sacred nature and his last published works went through three further editions they were so popular.
~ Keith Johnson, Rovi


Gioseppe Giamberti 1657

I Perfidia sopra Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Ténors
IX Ténors
XII Cantilena Ténors
XXI Alto-Ténor
XXII Alto-Ténor
XXXVI Villan di Spagna Ténors
XXXVIII Civetta Ténors
VIII Ballo di Mantua Soprano-Ténor
XVI Soprano-Ténor
XXV Ténor-Basse
III Scherzi sopra la Girometta Ténor-Basse
IV Bergamasca Ténor-Basse
V Fra Iacopino Alto-Basse
XXX Piva Alto-Basse
XXXIV Corrente Alto-Basse
XXXVII Corrente Alto-Basse

Paolo Fonghetti

12 Madrigali A cura di Andrea Bornstein (Verona 1598)

No 2 Deh, Dove Senza Me Alto-ténor
No 3 A Caso Un Giorno (Prima Parte) Soprano-Alto
No 16 Vidi Da Dui Bei Lumi Soprano-Alto

This concert can be heard live in ITUNES.
Open ITunes/advanced/open audio stream

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