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Exciting Summer on Music Island


While more activity is being added daily, here are some dates you won’t want to miss!

July 11 @ 1 pm Naftali Torok Roots of European Music, is a complementary concert to the following weeks program. Composers drew on the inspiration of the gypsy fiddle, klezmer music and other folk traditions to inspire, enliven and paint the landscapes in their classical works. Experience the original sources of this rich musical literature

July 19 @ 12 pm SLT American Roots, is a concert in the lighter vein with Cindy Ecksol. Cindy plays authentic American folk music of the sort that has been an inspiration to American classical composers in the same way that gypsy fiddlers inspired Dvorak.

July 25 @ 12 pm Vivaldi’s Summer, a concert with violinist Izabela Jaworower. Izabela has been performing one movement of the work each season through the year, beginning with “Winter” in December ’08. Here in high summer, she brings us the third movement, with complementary repertoire for a hot weekend at Music Island.

August 1 @ 12 pm Benito Flores Peace Festival Concert. The rising star of the Italian piano keyboard returns to the Music Island stage in support of the Peace Festival (additional Peace Festival events will be happening at Music Island, throughout the Cedar Island region and across Second Life) See the video here.

August 1 @ 2 pm Enniv Zarf, piano Peace Festival Concert. The busy and multi-talented Enniv has been away from Second Life for some months. His prodigious contributions to the Second Life arts have sure been missed. We’re all glad he’s back at Music Island for this concert during the SL-wide Peace Festival.


August 9-14 From Falling Stars to Meteors. Informative Display on Music Island.

August 11 @ 4 pm International Year of Astronomy–Lecture and Tour, Ourania Fizgig. Begins in the Lodge on Sea Turtle Island

August 12 @ 4 pm Storytelling Campfire and Community Drumming. Drum, Talk share under the night sky on the evening of the biggest lightshow of the summer.

August 12 @ 6:30 pm AldoManutio Abruzzo, composer/musician WITH Desdemona Enfield and Douglas Story, artists. Multimedia extravaganza concert.

August 15 @ 1 pm Duo Appassionato Anniversary Concert. One year of great music in Second Life– to be streamed live into Second Life Community Conference in San Francisco.

August 29 @ 12 pm Young Zeid, violin. Young brings down the curtain on summer with a show-stopping concert.

We will give you emotions and impressions at our unforgettable festival! There is no better time than time spent with good music among friends.

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