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Atheene Dodonpa, live @ Music Island Nov. 14, 1 pm SLT


The haunting voice of Atheene Dodonpa thrills audiences with the sounds of early music, accompanied as needed on lap harp, hurdy gurdy or other ancient instruments. The Finnish artist has developed a considerable following among Second Life’s Early Music community.

Atheene graduated from the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. The emphasis in her career is on early music (eg. medieval, renaissance and baroque), and she has performed concerts throughout Europe and taught in several music institutes in Finland. Instruments played: Voice (soprano), recorders, symphonie, bowed psaltery, bells, kantele, medieval harp, tenor rebec and loriman pipe.

Her RL CD release can be sampled here.

Or purchased here.

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We will give you emotions and impressions at our unforgettable festival! There is no better time than time spent with good music among friends.

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