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Music Island is showcased as part of Innovation InfoIsland Grand Opening

Innovation InfoIsland Grand Opening:
Come witness the birth of a grand idea – a sim devoted to the innovative thinking and projects of educators, librarians and information technologists!
The grand opening of Innovation InfoIsland will be a day-long celebration Saturday, Oct. 3.
Innovation InfoIsland will be home to wide ranging projects created by some of Second Life’s most innovative and imaginative residents. The intent of the sim is to give these thinkers, inventors and designers a place to work, create and display their ideas in a beautiful setting reminiscent of New Orleans.
The Grand Opening will showcase a taste of what will be in store: an eclectic variety of live music, discussion from a panel of distinguished professionals, singing and dancing by a talented duo, a book discussion and, of course, dancing! Keynote address will be delivered by Pathfinder Linden at 11 a.m. SLT. Throughout the day visitors are encouraged to tour the island, see some of the projects currently underway and talk to some of the project developers.

Here is the complete schedule of events. All times are SLT.

8 a.m. Studying Psychic Experiences with Rodolfo Mirabella and Maggie Larimore of The AZIRE Library on Innovation Infoislands. Mirabella and Larimore will talk about their research into the psychology of psychic experiences, training a new generation of researchers and the importance of Second Life libraries and museums to the education process. Their almost 30 years of collaboration in RL research and education has focused on the out-of-body experience, and the history of parapsychology.

9 a.m. – Book discussion of “The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm” by Tom Kelley and Jonathan Littman. The discussion will be led by Maxito Ricardo, who in real life is Tom Peters, founder and CEO of TAP Information Services, a company that helps libraries and other organizations innovate.

11 a.m. – Keynote, Pathfinder Linden, “Innovation in Education in Second Life”

12 p.m. – Music Island Concerts@Innovation Island presents violinist Young Zeid. Zeid (Xi Yang in RL) has had a distinguished music career, beginning with his solo debut at age 9. He studied at the Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China, and won the National Violin Competition in Shanghai. At age 17 he was a semi-finalist in the Jacques Tibaud International Violin Competition in Paris. He is a graduate of Indiana University School of Music at Bloomington. He is the the Assistant Concertmaster, guest conductor and soloist with the Raleigh Symphony Orchestra and is a member of the Arcangelo Piano Quartet and Duo Appassionato. He is also the founding music director and conductor of the Youth Symphony of Florida.

1 p.m. – Music Island Concerts@Innovation Island presents the ambient electronic innovations of AldoManutio Abruzzo. Abruzzo performs a unique blend of improvisational ambient guitar with inspirations from classical and world music. He has studied classical guitar, Renaissance and Baroque lute, trombone and recorder and he records and performs under his project name of “usr/sbin.” 2 p.m. Panel discussion “Innovation in Education & Libraries. Panelists are:
Valerie Hill (Valibrarian Gregg) 2-2:10 pm Valerie Hill is a school librarian and doctoral student at Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies. Topic: Innovative Librarianship
Esther Grassian (Alexandria Knight) 2:10-2:20 Esther Grassian is an adjunct lecturer at UCLA Dept. of Information Studies & Information Literacy Librarian at UCLA College Library Topic: Innovative Information Literacy
Elaine Plybon (Celestia Cazalet) 2:20-2:30pm Elaine Plybon is a Chemistry teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at the Jack E. Singley Academy in Irving, Texas. She is the chairperson for the Discovery Educator Network Leadership Council in Texas and serves on the Leadership Council for the Discovery Educator Network in Second Life. Topic: Innovative Emerging Technology Trends
Sheila Webber (Sheila Yoshikawa) 2:30-2:40 Sheila Webber is a senior lecturer at the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK. Topic: Innovative Media Literacy
Keith Mitchell (Larry Klugman) 2:40-2:50pm Keith Mitchell is the Coordinator for Technology Initiatives for the Center
for Science and Mathematics Education- University of Texas in Austin Topic: Building a Professional Development Community
with Second Life Marianne Malmstrom (Knowclue Kidd) 2:50-3pm Marianne Malmstrom is a Technology Teacher and machinimatographer. Topic: Machinima in Education
4 p.m Krull Quar – Will discuss “Cool Tools in Second Life” and the dynamics of tying in real world informatics and Second Life. As well as discuss tools which allow administrators
and program developers to mine and collect data about their audience and participants. Show some of the tools available in Second Life that make it possible to interact with participants and viewers.

5 p.m. Kate Miranda and Jay Ackroyd – Music Island Concerts- – Virtually Speaking – stand at the intersection between the Arts and public conversations about the social, economic, political and scientific issues that confront the modern world. They will discuss the particular challenges and opportunities that confront them as content providers, the trajectories of their two programs, and their emerging collaboration.

6 p.m. Satin Galli and Erin68 Frog take to the stage to sing a mix of duets and solos highlighting the music of hit vocalists from the past 30 to 40 years. Come prepared to dance to their delightful music. Galli and Frog were winners of the Anthology Awards 2009 for Best Duo and the Live Entertainment Music Awards 2009.

7 p.m. Music Island Concerts @ Innovation InfoIsland will present a concert at the island jazz club, featuring Cindy Ecksol. Ecksol has been making and teaching music with voice, autoharp, fiddle and a variety of other instruments for as long as she can remember. She is particularly interested in traditional music of many varieties, and her repertoire includes everything from Irish tunes and Israeli dance music played on autoharp to dark Appalachian fiddle tunes from the mountains of West Virginia, as well as amusing modern songs about real life.

We will give you emotions and impressions at our unforgettable festival! There is no better time than time spent with good music among friends.

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